2021 BBL Ladies & Mens Champion of Champions
2021 BBL Ladies & Mens Champion of Champions held at Wonthella Bowling Club is done and dusted for another year and what a feast of bowls we had. Congratulations to everyone.
There were some great games and in the end everyone was a winner but alas there could only be one winner in each category and…….
Mens BBL 2021 Major Champion of Champions is
David Melling (Wonthella).
Ladies BBL 2021 Major Champion of Champions is
Gloria Nelson ( Denison).
Mens BBL 2021 Novice Champion of Champions is
Richard Attrill (Wonthella).
Ladies BBL 2021 Major Champion of Champions is
Anne Carlhausen ( Denison).
R/Up in Ladies Novice
Carole Armstrong (Wonthella).
R/Up in Mens Major
Ian Paine (Denison)
R/Up in ladies Major Singles
Barbara Grieve from Geraldton.