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Mens Seniors 13/4/23

44 today and you may ask what is so special about number 44?
It is the fourth happy number, and the fourth octahedral number. Since the greatest prime factor of 442 + 1 = 1937 is 149 and thus more than 44 twice, 44 is a Størmer number. Given Euler’s totient function, φ(44) = 20 and φ(69) = 44. 44 is a tribonacci number, preceded by 7, 13, and 24, whose sum it equals.
I bet your glad you asked.
Winners on a drawn card:
Henk Meerman, Ross Thompson, Bob Griffiths.
Bill Andreassen, Des Hagan, Murray McGillvray.
Wayne Brown, Joe Lete, Ron Hill.
Kelvin Pearce, Collin Duperouzel, Les Rowe.