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Men’s Seniors 8/6/23

34 today
The following are some fun facts about the number 34:
34 is the tenth number in the Fibonacci Sequence
34 is the product of 2 prime numbers, 2 and 17.
There are 34 islands in the Mediterranean.
There were 34 States in the US at the start of the American Civil War.
The rows and columns of a 4×4 magic square total 34.
The chemical element Selenium has an atomic number of 34.
In the year 34 AD the Picts rose against the Roman general Cestorius Scapula, in Galloway.
Rule 34 in the “Rules of the Internet” list of protocols and conventions asserts that if something exists, there is porn of it.
The number 34 a number that combines creativity with thoughtful effort and hard work.
34 is the symbol of hard work and problems in youth and happiness and material wealth in old ages
Now for some more fun facts about todays game 
Drawn Card Winners :
Bob Plater, Peter Swaan, Dave VandenBerg, Mark Lalor.
Keith Vince, Barry Walton, Max Attrill.
Pat Neal, Robert Grace, Murray McGillvray.
Garry Cripps , Des Hagan, Brian Kelly.