WBC Awards Night 13/5/23
We recently held our awards night and was a big success.
And just when we thought the night couldnt get any better Margaret Kupsch was awarded Life Membership of the Wonthella Bowling Club.
Sandra Brown, Dulcie Valenti (Sponsor)
WBC Ladies Bowler of the Year 2022-2023
Sandra Brown (Sponsor) Kim Cross, Wayne Brown (Sponsor)
WBC Mens Bowler of the year 2022-2023
Margaret Kupsch Life Member (2)
Kim Cross, Keith Vince WBC Championship Pairs Winners 2022-23
WBC Ladies Championship Singles Winner 2022-2023
Val & Kevin Exten WBC Mixed Pairs Winners 2022-2023
Sarah Bell (Sponsor), Val Exten, Matt Bell (Sponsor)
WBC Ladies Championship Pairs Plate Winner 2022-23
Sandra Brown, Margaret Kupsch, Sarah & Matt Bell (Sponsors)
WBC Ladies Championship Pairs Winners 2022-23
Julie & Gary Clark WBC Championship Mixed Pairs Plate Winners 2022-2023
Kim Cross Mens WBC Championship Triples RU 2022-2023
Kevin Exten (Sponsor), Eddie Dodd,Roz Dodd, Val Exten (Sponsor)
WBC Championship 4’s RU 2022-2023
Kevin Exten (Sponsor), Di Knight, Sandra Brown, Wayne Brown, Brad Preston, Val Exten(Sponsor)
WBC Championship 4’s Winners 2022-2023
Kevin Exten ( Sponsor) Julie Clark, Gary Clark, Val Exten (Sponsor)
WBC Mixed 4’s Plate Winners 2022-2023
Kerry Easton, Brian Kelly (Sponsor)
Mens WBC Championship Singles Winner 2022-2023
Kerry Easton Mens BBL League Singles Champion 2022-2023
Gary Preston, Brad Preston WBC 4’s RU 2022-2023
Gary Clark WBC Veterans Singles Winner 2022-2023
Di Knight, Kerry Hagan, Lorraine Cairns WBC Ladies Championship 3’s Winners 2022-23
Di Knight WBC Ladies Singles Plate Winner 2022-2023
Dennis Marsden, Margaret Kupsch WBC Championship 4’s Mixed Pairs RU 2022-23
Dave Melling Brad Preston WBC Championship Triples Winners 2022-23
Brian Kelly (Sponsor), John DeCastro WBC Mens Campionship Singles RU 2022-2023
Angie Stagg, Helen Miller (Sponsor) WBC Ladies Plate Winner 2022-2023
Ailsa Trigwell Sponsor, Beryl Dibble, (Kim Trigwell Sponsor)
WBC Championship 4’s RU 2023
Ailsa Trigwell (Sponsor), Julie Clark, Helen Miller,(Kim Trigwell Sponsor)
WBC 4’s Plate Winners 2023
Ailsa Criddle (Sponsor) Val Exten, Sandra Brown, Angie Stagg, (Kim Trigwell Sponsor)
WBC Ladies Championship 4’s Winners 2023
Special thanks to Julie Clark. (Photographer of the year)